
Neuroprotective effect seen in cannabinol and its analogs

Researchers have developed analogs of cannabinol (CBN), a lesser-known cannabinoid, that show neuroprotective abilities in lab studies not unlike the effects from the active chemicals in the cannabis plant, which are a benefit in Parkinson’s as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. “Not only does CBN have neuroprotective…

Method generates dopaminergic neurons lost in Parkinson’s disease

Researchers in Canada have developed a new method to generate functional dopaminergic neurons, the dopamine-producing nerve cells lost in Parkinson’s disease, from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC). The scientists used an antibody to selectively activate FZD5, a receptor, in the stem cells, which stimulated a specific molecular signaling pathway involved…

RAB32 gene mutation tied to higher Parkinson’s risk, study finds

People who carry a specific mutation in the RAB32 gene have a higher risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, researchers at the University of Florida found. The mutation, called RAB32 Ser71Arg, was identified in 16 individual families from different ethnic groups and increased the activation of the LRRK2 protein, a…